Humans have always had an innate desire to find a partner for themselves. As far back as when we were hunter-gatherers, we have always sought out people in one form or the other. We have always tried to find companionship, and throughout history, the means and methodology of doing so have evolved. We have tried […]
Relationships tend to be complicated, especially in this day and age where people find it difficult to connect with one another due to the constant overload of phones and apps making people more unsociable in person than ever before. This has led to a growing problem for a lot of young men to find and […]
Dating in today’s day and age has become a game of finding the next best thing as soon as possible. Once you’re dissatisfied you move on to the next person. This is a mindset that permeates in the vast majority of people looking to date, this is because it’s a mindset that’s been pushed onto […]
Our world is full of failed relationships and painful divorces, which means that many people tend to have holes in their hearts, making them much more unhappy and strict with what they want in future relationships. Bad relationships and bad relationship experiences can mentally and emotionally destroy people. They tend to be very damaging and […]
21st-century dating, in a nutshell, can be summarized as hookups and friends with benefits. No one wants a serious relationship anymore. People simply treat each other as disposable, which makes it easier for them to move on and find something new and shiny. Humans have become much more distant and cold from one another as […]
When it comes to online dating, introverts usually find themselves in a pickle. Which is highly understandable considering that extroversion usually takes the limelight in the dating world. But for those of you who prefer solace over noise, dating can be quite the challenge. But don’t worry. We here at Goottah understand the plight of […]
Lesbian interracial dating is a lovely meeting of love and difference, defying social conventions to form bonds that fade into the reaches beyond. We here at Goottah strive to create a welcoming and safe environment for you to connect with like-minded individuals and find what you’re looking for. Without further ado, let’s get into it. […]
Dating in your 40’s, especially as a lesbian woman, is no easy task. With the pressures of society and the demands of life with all its responsibilities, it can be pretty hard to take some time out for yourself and put yourself out there. That’s why we here at Goottah strive to create a welcoming […]