
Humans have always had an innate desire to find a partner for themselves. As far back as when we were hunter-gatherers, we have always sought out people in one form or the other. We have always tried to find companionship, and throughout history, the means and methodology of doing so have evolved. We have tried various approaches to finding a partner, the case with men becoming the strongest and dominating the other males to secure a female who will bear their children to women, making themselves appear more pretty and attractive to secure a powerful who will protect them.

Relationships have always been on some level, transactional. There is an inherent give or take associated with being in any sort of relationship, be it platonic or romantic. To have a sustainable relationship, there needs to be a certain ratio of give or take to be maintained. This ratio or balance can vary depending on the particular needs of the two people involved. The point is that it’s not always 50/50. A relationship is built on communication and trust. Upon the breakage of trust it can vary between being difficult to impossible to continue the relationship.

The Complexities And Dynamics of Modern dating

Contemporary dating, as a result of social changes over the past 100 years, has created brand new dynamics that people need to be vary of before they put themselves on the dating market.

Over the past 100 years, there has been a paradigm shift towards equality of the sexes, more understanding of the issues faced by both genders, especially women, and a move away from the traditional nuclear family that dominated the 1950s and before.

The reasons behind this are complex; firstly, the introduction of the pill, which brought about the female sexual revolution, which allowed women to freely explore their sexuality without the fear of pregnancy, as well as the women’s liberation movement, which meant that now women could earn, own houses as well as their own bank accounts.

This meant that they no longer had to rely on a male partner to help them in many fundamental aspects of their lives, and it meant that they could walk away from relationships where they were unsatisfied and unhappy.

This paradigm shift has led to conflict. Men have had difficulty adjusting to the newfound freedom that their female counterparts had gained, which meant that they were now left in a position where they struggled to understand their own role as partners, as human beings and members of society. The traditional nuclear family structure gave men purpose, and it allowed for a much more stable society with relatively stable relationships. This isn’t to say that the sexual revolution, as well as the women’s liberation movement, was a bad thing, but it does indicate that men require a lot more catching up to do even to this day.

What are you looking for in a relationship?

When someone looks for a partner, there are certain traits they seek out, both behavioral and physical. Certain features that can appeal to you or personality traits that might make you want someone. Sometimes, however, it’s best to go in blind and explore the options that you may have to better understand what you might want from a relationship.

Everyone wants different things, and some people might want someone taller, someone might want someone shorter, someone might want blue eyes and others dark brown, seniors looking for a relationship might want someone younger than them to help them feel young again. It’s all subjective. The best way to understand what one wants is by going into the dating market and exploring what’s out there, especially if one is inexperienced.

This does mean having your heart broken a couple of times, but as they say, it’s better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all. A broken heart is healed with time, but it’s always good to have an experience. Especially an experience that teaches someone something important. Becoming bitter and jaded by the fast-moving world of today doesn’t do anyone any favors in growing themselves as individuals.

What are you looking for in a relationship? Do you understand what you require and need? Do you have a good understanding of yourself? Do you have an idea of what kind of person you want your partner to be? If you can answer these questions, then you are ahead of the game and should find someone that matches your ideals.


Finding the perfect partner isn’t easy. It’s a game that involves a great deal of hardship, moments of sadness and self-reflection. However, it’s a journey that leads to personal growth and discovery. Hopefully this article helped you understand yourself better, so what are you looking for in a relationship?

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